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By becoming a member of Misfit Mamas, Inc., you will explore fresh avenues to connect with your potential, purpose, and community. Whether you are at the beginning of your journey or further along, you will also be contributing to our 501(c)3 nonprofit and community initiatives. At Misfit Mamas, Inc., you can embrace your true self, discover a supportive community, and flourish rather than simply exist. 

What Families Say

"You are all the best group I could have stumbled across. It’s very reassuring for a new mama in a new state"

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  • Gold Membership

    Every year
    Envision the change with us!
    • Enjoy complete access to our online communities!
    • Enjoy complete access to our events, programs, and services!
    • Participate in organization Committee Circles!
    • Access exclusive discounts!
    • Earn reward points!
  • Luminary Membership

    Every year
    Luminary: Illuminate the Path to Empower Local Families
    • Enjoy complete access to our online communities!
    • Enjoy complete access to our events, programs and services!
    • Access exclusive discounts!
    • Earn reward points!
  • Innovator Membership

    Every year
    Collaborate and assist us in bringing fresh perspectives and experiences!
    • Enjoy complete access to our online communities!
    • Enjoy complete access to our events, programs, and services!
    • Receive special recognition as a preferred business!
    • Join us for monthly networking opportunities!
    • Participate in organization Committee Circles!
    • Access exclusive discounts!
"I am so excited for the friendships I have made and know my life has better balance because of this group. Love you Misfits!!!" - Rachel P.


Join us in creating an impact today!

Misfit Mamas, Inc. 501(c)3


Thank you for your support!

Get in Touch

(860) 222-0831 



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